The background of the emergence of Khulafaur Rasyidin
Rasulullah SAW. died Monday, 12 Rabi'ul awal 11 H or June 8 632 M. At that time, he was 63 years old. For 13 days he was sick that is starting 29 Safar 11 Hijrah. On that day the prophet Muhammad saw. attend the procession the funeral of one of the companions at the Baqi' cemetery. Returning from Baqi' funeral Rasulullah SAW. fell ill, his body temperature was hot beyond the size of a normal human. The Prophet's health condition. getting weaker by the day. Four days before After his death, he is no longer able to become an imam for the five daily prayers so that Abu Bakr as Siddiq was appointed to replace him.
What is the background of the emergence of khulafaur rasyidin?
The dispute between the Muhajirin and the Ansar arose shortly after the Prophet Muhammad Saw. died, the situation among the Muslims was chaotic. That's because the prophet Muhammad, does not appoint a definite successor to the Muslim leader. The Muhajirin and Ansor are the two groups who feel the most entitled replaced the leadership of Muslims after the death of Rasulullah SAW.
The Muhajirin proposed Abu Bakr as Siddiq as a candidateMuslim leader after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. with various argumentation. The emigrants were the first followers and fought from the start with the Messenger of Allah. While Abu Bakr As-Siddiq is the appointed person replace the priest praying five times during the Messenger of Allah. sick.
On the other hand, the Ansor feel the most entitled because Islam can developed and experienced a period of glory after the Prophet moved to Medina. They nominate Sa'ad bin Ubadah as a candidate for Muslim leader.
The dispute was resolved peacefully by Umar bin Khattab after he came up with various arguments. Then he pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr As-Siddiq and followed by Sa'ad bin Ubadah.
The first step taken by the caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq wasled the funeral procession of the Prophet Muhammad. on a Wednesday night, in a place where he died in the room of Aisha Ra.
The naming of Khulafaur Rashidin is based on the hadith of the Prophet which says: that; Islam will be divided into seventy-three sects, all in hell except for one, namely those who follow my sunnah and my companions. So who follow Sunnah of the Prophet and the Companions who received guidance.
"And if they believe as you believe, they have get guidanceā (Surat al-Baqarah. 137).
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